Radcliffe, through his sheer presence and the piercing honesty of those big, blue eyes, makes this mixed-up material watchable.. Director Jo...
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Focus (2015) Full Movie Streaming
Smith's natural charisma has been dulled by special effects bonanzas and/or a desire to play against type. In "Focus," he feel...
Maggie (2015) Play Movie
"Maggie" appears as though it was shot through a variety of Instagram filters - a dusty grey for the exteriors, and a warm, oversa...
The Imitation Game (2014) Online Streaming
Viewers who like a side order of political allegory with their science fiction will find much to savor here. So will romantics, fans of femi...
The Blind Side (2009) Play Movie
A movie made up almost entirely of turning points and yet curiously devoid of drama or suspense.. It's a cute, touchy-feely crowd please...
Ten Thousand Saints (2015) Play Movie
Under all his action-star antics, Liam Neeson is a good actor. So his insistence on repeatedly playing a variation of the same role is mysti...
The Social Network (2010) Watch Streaming
Joe Wright, in his feature-length directorial debut, accommodates the genteel gauze without neglecting the well-aimed stings.. The movie...