The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and i...
Home > Posts filed under Thriller
Wild Tales (2014) Full Streaming
Well-acted, cleverly written and exquisitely crafted.. Revenge may be a dish best served cold, but the dark comedy Wild Tales (Relatos salva...
Horns (2013) Download Full
Radcliffe, through his sheer presence and the piercing honesty of those big, blue eyes, makes this mixed-up material watchable.. Director Jo...
Focus (2015) Full Movie Streaming
Smith's natural charisma has been dulled by special effects bonanzas and/or a desire to play against type. In "Focus," he feel...
Maggie (2015) Play Movie
"Maggie" appears as though it was shot through a variety of Instagram filters - a dusty grey for the exteriors, and a warm, oversa...
The Imitation Game (2014) Online Streaming
Viewers who like a side order of political allegory with their science fiction will find much to savor here. So will romantics, fans of femi...
Ten Thousand Saints (2015) Play Movie
Under all his action-star antics, Liam Neeson is a good actor. So his insistence on repeatedly playing a variation of the same role is mysti...
Oldboy (2003) Download Full
A revenge film like none you have seen.. Individual scenes and sequences are too strange, haunting and emotionally right for the film to be ...
The Prestige (2006) Play Streaming
Watching The Prestige is like observing a magic act where the magician's sleight-of-hand isn't deft enough. The trick almost works, ...
Whiplash (2014) Full Streaming
'Whiplash' is electric from beginning to end, a musical story of obsession, frustration and outright cruelty built on two knockout p...
St. Vincent (2014) Play Streaming
It's good to see funny gal McCarthy playing the straight woman in this comedy rather than the appealing/appalling lout. It's even be...
Escobar: Paradise Lost (2014) Watch Full Movie
When you've got Benicio Del Toro playing Pablo Escobar, the rest is just icing on the cake.. Hutcherson, who's best known for being ...
Crimson Peak (2015) Full Streaming
The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the sto...
Boulevard (2015) Full Movie Streaming
"Under the Skin" clearly does not intend to telegraph its meaning, but meaning may not be the movie's strong suit.. If the mov...
By the Sea (2015) Online Streaming
The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. The excellent performances by the cast are a...
Zero Dark Thirty (2012) Download Full
Chastain makes Maya as vivid as a bloodshot eye. Her porcelain skin, delicate features and feminine attire belie the steel within.. Swift, s...
Gone Girl (2014) Full Streaming
Flynn's great accomplishment, in her book and here, is an unstinting dedication to plot mechanics that jar our balance.. The film concea...
The Age of Adaline (2015) Play Movie
Far too often here, Adaline's parade of period dresses, coats and handbags stand in for the richness of human experience.. This is a fil...
The Departed (2006) Full Movie Streaming
Even when Eastwood and Robertson, pleasant enough company, threaten to float off the screen, "The Longest Ride" glides along and d...
Black Swan (2010) Full Movie Streaming
If one of the moral responsibilities of the movies is to put you in places where you'd never go and live lives you'd never live, the...