Catch Me If You Can (2002) Full Streaming

This is one of the more disappointing efforts of the holiday movie season.. The colorful cinematography, smart performances and brisk tempo ...

The Hunger Games (2012) Online Streaming

The film shows precious little hunger and no sense of game.. Well-paced, well-directed and extremely well acted entertainment.. Watching The...

The Departed (2006) Full Movie Streaming

Even when Eastwood and Robertson, pleasant enough company, threaten to float off the screen, "The Longest Ride" glides along and d...

Foxcatcher (2014) Play Movie

It's too bad then that the film...doesn't live up to Carell's memorable performance. As chilly as du Pont's mansion on a win...

Black Swan (2010) Full Movie Streaming

If one of the moral responsibilities of the movies is to put you in places where you'd never go and live lives you'd never live, the...

Locke (2013) Play Streaming

The conceit is riveting at first because Knight forgoes any backstory or exposition, though as the foreman's plight becomes clear, the t...

American Heist (2014) Watch Streaming

[A] graphic and spontaneous portrait of a spiraling sex addict.. You don't just watch Shame: You feel it, too.. Shame is something of a ...

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