Jonze teases out what's genuine emotion and what's just programming. Her occurs in what Jonze calls the "slight future," b...
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The Longest Ride (2015) Full Streaming
The Longest Ride is pretty darn tolerable - and sometimes even enjoyable - not just for fans but also for regular people who are, you know, ...
Pan's Labyrinth (2006) Full Streaming
Pan's Labyrinth works on several levels. It boldly captures the horror of war, the bloody violence as well as the emotional stifling of ...
Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Watch Streaming
It's an adventure, a love story, a biblical allegory complete with approaching storm, a mash note to composer Benjamin Britten and a pro...
Blow (2001) Full Movie Streaming
Grabs hold of you by the lapels and simply won't let go.. Blow fades a bit in its second half, weighed down by a need to closely follow ...
Drive (2011) Online Streaming
A colorful, great-looking film, with an infectious soundtrack.. Chastain makes Maya as vivid as a bloodshot eye. Her porcelain skin, delicat...
Bridge to Terabithia (2007) Full Streaming
The special effects suggest a Narnia-like romp, but the movie has a darker, more sorrowful landscape to explore and it does so brilliantly, ...